Saturday, November 28, 2009

Confession: I am a Mama Bear

I confess. I am a Mama Bear. Actually now I’m a Grandma Bear. When I became a mother/grandmother I took an oath to protect.

My adult children know I’m a Mama Bear when it comes to protecting them.

I remember when David was six years old and was bonked on the noggin in a T-Ball game. There I was dashing out on the field like an olympics runner. Then there was the time in high school during the Varsity Football Game when he injured his ankle and wanted to go back in the game, there I was telling the coach no way. ( I did learn my lesson by the time he played football for the University of San Diego. He injured his ankle again and I stayed put!)

When Lori was in 5th grade, I picked her up at school at noon because it was a teacher’s conference day. As she got into the car she burst into tears. All of the girls were going to McDonalds and didn't invite her. I was seething, but very calmly told her a story from my grammar school days, (Joey T story) and fickle girl rejection. Then we went to McDonalds sat down and ate lunch!

Shari was in 7th grade when her friends chipped in and bought her a "Guess" jean jacket. She loved that jacket! And then someone stole it from her locker. I bought her another jacket, and that was stolen as well. She came home crying. I visited the principal’s office and demanded the jacket be reimbursed.

Both girls were on the same softball team for a couple of years. The coaches were team fathers. Some of those guys were crazy and quite often acted like children themselves. There was a father who was the 3rd base coach. During the game he yelled at all the girls, kicked the dirt and used profane language. (The Head Coach never stopped the father’s tirades.) Most of the parents in the stands were appalled. But no one said anything.

Where I come from (Chicago,) those actions require intervention. So I yelled, “Hey coach! Shut up! Quit yelling at the girls!” The guy stopped, looked at me and started yelling again! At the end of the game, I ran from the stands and proceeded to read him the riot act. I told him in no uncertain terms that I thought his behavior was awful and I wouldn’t tolerate it. He needed to stop berating the girls or I’d have him banned from the games! After I finished my “talk”, I turned around to look at the parents in the stands. (I expected applause for my bravery.) Their mouths were open in shock. No one said anything to me.

Sometimes being a Mama Bear is controversial.

Why this long story?

I've been trying to figure out why I've become so outspoken about President Obama. He took an oath to protect the Constitution and the American people.

He’s the head coach. He’s turned over economic recovery and healthcare to people who are inept, self centered, politically motivated yellers! (With some dirt kicking and profanity, too) And the people in the stands are appalled!

This is my message to the President! Man-Up! Be a Mama Bear!

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