Sunday, March 20, 2011

NFL Player Association vs NFL owners:The war between "Little Millionaires" and "Big Millionaires/Billionaires."

I don't know about you, but I don't get it..... the NFL players vs NFL owners. I'm not skilled in the intricacies of multimillion dollar contracts and payments or even earnings, but I am skilled in empathy and understanding. Both fail me now. All I see are cry baby athletes who are out of touch with the reality of what is really happening in the world we all live in! Those poor guys aren't getting a big enough piece of the pie! ( oh, the pain of it all!) And oh my, the big bad owners won't open their financial books to them. Since when does a privately held company/team have to open their books? In my world publicly held company's report earnings because they have stockholders....Are the players stockholders? Are they business partners?

And while I'm on the subject, Mr. Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings tweeted: "It's modern day slavery, you know?" Then Mr. Rashard Mendenhall backed Peterson by posting: "Anyone with knowledge of the slave trade and the NFL could say these two parallel each other." REALLY???
Sure, I know when the union decertified the owners said we won't cover your healthcare. Oh poor players, try being out of work, struggling to put food on the table, and no healthcare.  I absolutely have no sympathy for you. I doubt many folks do.

Heaven help me, I am a Chicago Bears fan. Usually by October, I decide not not get myself crazy over their record. But in 2010, they pulled me back in. (Godfather Quote) I would have loved to see them play come September 2011. But I don't care now. Wake Up! Grown Up! Quit Crying! If you don't like the job or pay, then quit! I'm sure there are plenty of college football players ready to step in!

And read this!

Tell yourself that you have a good life, count your blessings, and learn to stay positive no matter what.

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