Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Letter to Obama after Virginia & New Jersey

I sent this letter to the President afer the Virgina and New Jersey elections.
And yes, I do write to the White House. I know it's probably a waste of time, but I humored myself into thinking my voice counted.

Good Evening President Obama!

It's been awhile since I've written you. I believe the last letter was about healthcare.

As I sit writing on this election night, I can't help but reflect back to your election one year ago. Although I didn't vote for you, I did have high hopes that my misgivings about your lack of leadership experience would be overcome. I believe you've let Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid run wild with what they (and perhaps you) thought was a mandate a year ago.

By the way, I grew up in a Chicago suburb, and I KNOW about the Chicago Democrat Machine. (My uncle spent time in federal prison for income tax evasion after his mayoral terms ended.)

I believe you've surrounded yourself with some questionable people. The "Czars" are one example of political power & patronage gone awry!

So why am I writing to you?

Listening to Virginians talk tonight they stated their main concern was JOBS!

It dawned on me that this is so SIMPLE!

It's Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The bottom of the pyramid is as follows:

PHYSIOLOGICAL:  Basic survival needs; water, air, food and sleep.

SAFETY:  desire for steady employment, (jobs) health insurance, safe neighborhoods

So, while healthcare is definitely important, having a job more imprortant. That job provides food, clothing etc.

There's no doubt healthcare needs reform. ( I'm a nurse.)

But the bills from the House and Senate are not well thought out. It's like they threw a bunch of mud on the wall and they're waiting to see what sticks. Is his really any way to reform healthcare, seeing what crap sticks? I don't think so. Take Time!! Wait! You'll earn more respect with a leaner, smaller & responsive healthcare plan. Be a LEADER!

I write a blog about nursing, my loves, my passion, and well of course, some politics. Yesterday, I posted three blogs. The one I'd like to focus is not the one on Afghanistan. The one I'd like you to read is "Gratitude..."

It features a song that the late Wayman Tisdale recorded on his CD "21 Days."

When I listened to the children say Thank you, it dawned on me that it really is that simple:

Thank you Jesus:

For putting clothes on my back!

For my family!

For my life!

For my food!

For waking us up this morning!

For our schools!

For my sister!

For my brother!

For my Mom!

Jesus Bless this generation!

Keep it simple! Then the rest will follow!

Thanks for the time!


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