I can no longer pretend I'm not overweight. Oh believe me, I've tried! Wearing black...wearing my exercise pants with a long sweater....trying to use make-up to hide my double chin....And somehow wearing blinders when I look in the mirror. But yesterday, after my future daught-in-law's shower, I saw a picture of myself. (Ok, the 3 people I was standing next to were very thin.) But I could have fit 2 of them behind me ....easily! Maybe all 3!
That does it! I can no longer ignore my distinctive waddle, nor the flab around not only my middle, but also the flab swinging back and forth on my upper arms. Not to mention my legs, hips and butt!
This "blindness" of mine ends now. Blinders Off! Take a good hard look! How did I let it get this far?
How will I do this? Especially with only 68 days to go until my son David's wedding!!!!
I won't take diet pills. I won't starve myself. I don't have hours/ day to exercise.
Here's what I will do.....
Take it one day at a time. Monitor my portions and my fat intake.(and carbs,too.) I will increase my exercise daily. Be inventive...walk in the morning before work...walk after work. Today, I closed the door to my office and exercised by dancing and doing squats. Then I walked up and down a flight of stairs 3x. I kept monitoring my heart rate and my breathing. I'm going to try to do that daily.
I'll let you know how it goes....Onward and pounds downward!
Immigrants, they get the job done!
5 hours ago