Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cognitive Dissonance: Say Whaaaaat?

It isn't everyday that I allow my thoughts to just roam around the files in my head! But while driving and listening to "oldies but goodies," my mind started to rummage around things I'd filed "for later examination." Before I knew it I was thinking about a conversation  I had with a co-worker. She'd commented that there would be no raises for anyone this next fiscal year at the hospital.(Sometimes we've gotten % raises to stay competitive in the marketplace, but yearly reviews are performance based.)

In July, I wrote a blog about how I love being a nurse. I enjoy monitoring women's babies in Antepartum Testing and feel I make a difference in their pregnancy. This is my "psychic" income. My soul is nourished by seeing fetus' on ultrasound reminding me of  the  miraculous "Circle of Life."

However, my love for my job doesn't include the compensation. I've been a nurse for almost 30 years. From the time I started as a new nurse, I have received approximately $1.23 raise each year until now. Nourishing, serving and helping others is in the fabric of my life. Tried management, but always returned to patient care.  In some ways, I'm a Nursing Dinosaur.

This is where my "Cognitive Dissonance" occurs.

This is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.

Dissonance increases with:

1. The importance of the subject to us.

2. How strongly the dissonant thoughts conflict.

3. Our inability to rationalize and explain away the conflict.

Dissonance is often strong when we believe something about ourselves and then do something against that belief. If I believe I am good but do something bad, then the discomfort I feel as a result is cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is a very powerful motivator which will often lead us to change one or other of the conflicting belief or action. The discomfort often feels like a tension between the two opposing thoughts. To release the tension we can take one of three actions:

1. Change our behavior.

2. Justify our behavior by changing the conflicting cognition.

3. Justify our behavior by adding new cognitions.

from //
Reference: Festinger (1957), Festinger and Carlsmith (1959)

Even though I know I'm doing what I love, and doing it well, is it wrong for me to expect appropriate compensation? 

And if there is no monetary way to say "job well done," what other ways are there to compensate nurses?

It certainly hasn't been by "pats"on the back or written notes from the director, or even "gold"stars next to my name. It certainly hasn't been "spa day" gift certificates or extra PTO. (paid time off)

My dissonance increases when I realize that economic times are tough and I should be grateful I have a job!
But should a hospital try to "save" money on the backs of their nurses?

BTW: I don't have answer today! I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another event my daughter Shari designed

Think Pink


I may use some of  these ideas for a party later this month.(Celebrating a friend's birthday, a friend's recovery from breast cancer and a USC football game.) If the NFL can wear pink, so can USC fans!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


This sounds like a great recipe!

San Francisco Engagement Session Photography | Golden Gate Bridge Engagement Session Photographer | Lori Paladino Photography

Another post from my daughter's photos!
I told her these should be an ad for San Francisco Tourism done to the music: "I Can See Clearly Now."

San Francisco Engagement Session Photography Golden Gate Bridge Engagement Session Photographer Lori Paladino Photography

San Francisco Portrait Photography | Bay Area Lifestyle Photographer | Katie, William & Liam | Lori Paladino Photography

I've said it before...I'll say it again...I'll say it forever: This Photographer is "THE BEST"
Ok so she's my daughter...I'm not biased!
Check it out!

San Francisco Portrait Photography Bay Area Lifestyle Photographer Katie, William & Liam Lori Paladino Photography

Loving this blog

I've started using Orglamix shadows! They're like silk! Anyway, found this blog and really enjoy it! Check it out!